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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Forgotten Crown Jewel of the North East

Giants once tread through her soft, and mucky banks;  Decades ago, when the likes of Vince Marinaro, Charlie Fox, and Ed Shenk so thoughtfully peered into the glassy runs of diminutive size, puzzled by the masterpiece that lie before them.  Countless hours these artists of the sport spent, watching the watercress and elodea sway hypnotically in the micro currents of Letort Spring Run, eventually revealing many of the secrets that she possessed.  Gentleman of the beautiful past time, dedicating so much of their lives to this fishery, who over time, so poetically put their thoughts, discoveries, and experiences to paper, forever changing the game. Never will I forget, the first time I witnessed this magnificent yet haunting gem of South Central Pennsylvania; The first time I pulled down Bonnybrook road, to an ancient bridge, a small dirt pull off, and a "catch and release fly fishing only sign," that felt incredibly welcoming after my two and a half hour journey.  I casually